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January 20, 2025

Monopoly Has Kittens – Jewish Humor

Jewish Humour

Jewish Humor Monopoly Vote

Did I hear right?

A cat? A cat?

That’s exactly what happens when you have too much democracy. People vote for cats.

I am never buying Monopoly again. Voters have decided to replace the original iron piece (token) with a cat. Never mind the missed opportunities with cool, shiny robots and helicopters. The idiot voting public has spoken and in unity they scratched out the word c-a-t on their ballots.

Remember, we weren’t talking about just any old game, but…Monopoly: The Special Limited Jewish Edition.

Just to remind you, these were your choices:

(1) Golden Calf

Funny Jewish Humor Golden Calf

(2) Sabbath Crock Pot

(3) Moses and Staff

Funny Jewish Humor Mosses and Staff

(4) Wine Kiddish Cup

funny Jewish Humor Kiddish Cup

(5) Dreidel

funny Jewish humor Dreidle

(6) Havdalah Candle

Funny Jewish Humor Havdalah candel


Funny and Jewish is a clean Jewish Humour (Jewish humor) website.

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