Sites That Don’t Hate Us
Along our travels we find sites that we befriend. They don’t hate us, and we don’t hate them back.
- At the Back of the Hill
- Atlas Shrugs
- Blazing Cat Fur
- Chortler
- Clean Kids Jokes
- Codor’s Little Blog of Jewish Humor
- Confusion Road
- Conservative Liberal
- Daily Rash
- Dry Bones
- Globe Tribune.Info
- Harold Reynolds’ Humour Collection
- Humor Times
- Humor Volcano
- Israel Seen
- Jawa Report
- Jewish Humor Central
- Jewish Jokes
- Jewish Magazine
- Jewlarious
- Joke Buddha
- Mad Kanes Humor Blog
- Meaningful Life Quotes
- Monkey in the Middle
- NewsMutiny
- Nonsensible Shoes
- Political Byline
- Religious Tolerance
- Right Truth
- Schmooze News
- Shawarma Mayor
- Simply Jews
- Skeptic’s Annotated Bible
- StartPage UK
- The Atheist Jew
- The Looking Spoon
- The Moderate Voice
- The Other McCain
- The Pita Report
- The Political Commentator
- The Religion of Peace
- The Specious Report
- The Voice of Reason
- Wake Up America
- Zionism & Israel
- Jokes-Best