Jewish Humour Site Building Tips
May 24, 2012
The secret to building a successful Jewish Humour website can be found in the opening quote positioned just before Tip #1. Read it slowly to yourself. Then read it out loud. And then repeat it another 10 times. Do you get it?
Here’s The Secret: To replicate our success, whether you’re building a humour website, or any site for that matter, pick a niche that’s so ridiculously small, it really doesn’t matter what your blog is going to be about.
Next, subdivide that niche into even smaller categories and… Congratulations! You have now reached the subatomic level of the Internet where you find Hooray! We finally have company.
Bonus Tip: Use a Mac computer running programs so old, the word “internet” does not even appear in the spell check, but instead is highlighted as a misspelling.